
Become part of J&K's family

Comfortable office environment, home-like feel.

Rich employee benefits, work and be happy.

J&K is a team - she cares about everyone who loves her.

J&K is a platform - she gives each member the opportunity to show their abilities.

J&K is a picture-her gorgeous splendor is because of the talent that each one gives.

Join J&K! This is the place where your dreams take off.

Job search
PositionsNumber of people WorkplaceBenefits Date
sales specialist3TianjinFace to face2020-06-08+

Job responsibilities:

Foreign procurement2TianjinFace to face2020-06-03+

Job responsibilities:

Project Specialist3TianjinFace to face2020-06-02+

Job responsibilities:

泰宁县| 九台市| 大冶市| 肥乡县| 重庆市| 商城县| 磴口县| 岢岚县| 沭阳县| 延吉市| 时尚| 东丽区| 湾仔区| 甘肃省| 涡阳县| 清徐县| 桃源县| 龙胜| 三台县| 家居| 夏邑县| 休宁县| 麻栗坡县| 炎陵县| 德惠市| 门头沟区| 五原县| 隆德县| 郑州市| 鄄城县| 天峻县| 兰溪市| 自贡市| 延安市| 长白| 合水县| 利津县| 尤溪县| 酉阳| 万全县| 周宁县|