
API Business


RLD Business



About us

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    20 years of experience

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    Over 500 APIs

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    Over 130 customers

Established in the year 2003,Tianjin J&K Limited is a well-known Chinese API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)seller and is managed and operated in accordance with GSP (GDP) standards. J&K has been focusing on the import of pharmaceutical products since its beginning, with professional team, years of experience and reliable overseas resources, to provide professional services for Chinese customers in the fields of API import, generic drug Bundling Review, RLD import, etc.



新营市| 长沙县| 凌海市| 宽城| 岗巴县| 乐平市| 奉新县| 开原市| 米泉市| 平南县| 都昌县| 新野县| 虞城县| 庐江县| 乐东| 株洲市| 综艺| 九寨沟县| 屏边| 富宁县| 如皋市| 凌云县| 乌兰察布市| 广灵县| 新民市| 蛟河市| 富民县| 神池县| 星子县| 高州市| 花莲市| 探索| 新晃| 耿马| 宜兰县| 云梦县| 勃利县| 凤城市| 南木林县| 通许县| 西吉县|