
  •   JANUARY 2020 : J&K Staff job Report

    JANUARY 2020 : J&K Staff job Report

  •   October 2019: J&K Attended Pharmaceutical Forum

    October 2019: J&K Attended Pharmaceutical Forum

  •   May 2018: J&K Introduced Products at a Salon

    May 2018: J&K Introduced Products at a Salon

  •   November 2017: J&K attends API China.

    November 2017: J&K attends API China.

  •   May 2017 :J&K Participates and Presents at the Pujiang Medicine Forum

    May 2017 :J&K Participates and Presents at the Pujiang Medicine Foru

  •   April 2016 :J&K attends API China.

    April 2016 :J&K attends API China.

  •   May 2014: J&K organizes a GSP training

    May 2014: J&K organizes a GSP training

  •   July 2013: The awarding ceremony of the J&K Bursary was held at Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

    July 2013: The awarding ceremony of the J&K Bursary was held at Shen

  •   November 2011 :Seminar on Generic Pharmaceuticals

    November 2011 :Seminar on Generic Pharmaceuticals

  • 二手房| 吴川市| 桃源县| 东乡县| 宜君县| 茶陵县| 松江区| 巢湖市| 元谋县| 平顶山市| 延长县| 喀喇| 晋江市| 游戏| 霞浦县| 远安县| 灵石县| 洞口县| 金川县| 张家界市| 田阳县| 祁阳县| 东平县| 邹城市| 栖霞市| 分宜县| 韶山市| 建阳市| 永州市| 文水县| 汤原县| 罗平县| 从化市| 金溪县| 无棣县| 石泉县| 阜阳市| 盱眙县| 长子县| 舟山市| 濉溪县|