




In China, we represent and sell APIs from some famous pharmaceutical companies such as Dr. Reddy's(India), Sun (India), Cadila (India), Nosch(India), MSN (India), etc. With more than 500 APIs, we can provide Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises with legal, high quality and reliable sourcing options.





1、20 years of professional exerience.

2、GSP supply chain management, complete quality management system.

3、More than 130 business partners and sales resources.



Business processes


呼图壁县| 南木林县| 东乡族自治县| 永宁县| 台安县| 遂川县| 阿拉尔市| 武陟县| 娱乐| 永年县| 康平县| 松滋市| 绥中县| 垫江县| 宣武区| 晴隆县| 泾源县| 乌鲁木齐市| 莱西市| 富阳市| 成都市| 静安区| 长岛县| 浪卡子县| 阳谷县| 陆川县| 汤阴县| 盖州市| 浏阳市| 祁连县| 六安市| 洞头县| 东乡| 新安县| 温宿县| 遂溪县| 灯塔市| 黄冈市| 同江市| 武汉市| 东辽县|